I look forward to this every year, a wonderful friend and her family's Christmas photos. This year had the new addition of stella, a lovely puppy that loves to smile. We always have fun but I enjoyed the chaos that stella brought, I am still laughing!
21 September 2008
This little monkey made me laugh so hard and made me work hard to keep up with her energy. Her sister loved to smile and the squishy hugs.
20 September 2008
Fall is my favorite season, and spending a morning in fish creek park with this family was so fun. They had such a great connection and made it very easy to capture the closeness between them.
19 September 2008
I met Oliver today, he is one of the sweetest little boys I have spent time with. He has the most beautiful red hair and was alot of fun. His mom has a great sense of humor so it was a fun morning.
17 September 2008
I truly enjoyed shooting the Aspen AGM tonight they are an amazing organization that does tremendous things in the communities of Calgary. If you have a chance to visit their site at www.aspenfamily.org please do, I am always excited to attend their events as the people that work there love what they do.